Absolutely Amazing Report

Of Involuntary Invisibility

Dear 'AA',

First, thank you for creating one of the most important, fascinating, and ergonomic sites I've seen on the Web. I feel amazement, kinship and support on my first visit. I will be adding a link on ETADO's site with a strong recommendation. I hope you'll check it out. ETADO's page is simple and its mission is narrow, but I believe such an organization is needed. I believe our interests coincide.

My Invisibility Experiences:

Yours is the first publication in which I've read of others who have experienced involuntary "invisibility". It's happened to me several times, and has become something of a (nervous) joke among my close friends. Three examples:

At the office where I work, one of our departments is a large open room with computer work stations. Several times over the past year or so, I have walked through the department and spoken face to face to 6 to 8 co-workers who did not see or hear me. On one of those occasions I left the room, came back (they saw me this time) and repeated the conversations they had had in my (unseen) presence. They were astonished. I told them I'd been there, and like a chorus they insisted I was lying.

In that same suite of offices, within the past month, a co-worker reported seeing me on a day when I was working at home!

The most dramatic experience was almost identical to "Vera's"[Re:News1.htm -- "What's going on here?"]. A couple of months ago, I was in line to order at a coffee house where I'm a regular customer. I was with a good friend, with whom I was carrying on a conversation. The counter clerk, who knew me, took my friend's order then looked "through" me to the man behind me. I spoke, but she didn't hear me, and the guy behind me answered as though he didn't hear or see me. Like Vera, I had to step aside to avoid being bumped. I spoke up again, no reaction. Remembering the office incidents, I raised my voice. My friend looked directly at me, then to the clerk, then to me. That's when the young woman heard and saw me. She was startled. She said, " Did you just come in? You weren't there before."

What seems different is that my buddy continued talking to me, and could see and hear me, the whole time. The clerk said to him, " I thought you were talking to yourself." I also felt that she only saw me because he and I willfully focused her attention on me.

I don't know what's going on, but I kind of like it. What it feels like when it happens is a spell, an enchantment, some kind of trick of perception. I want to be able to control it. I do feel it has something to do with abduction, since my friend and I have had lifelong abduction experiences. He doesn't "want to think about it" and he reads Jung and Campbell a lot.

My First "Abduction":

I have memories from age 3 or 4, of being led out through a second story window "to play" in the middle of the night by a tall, luminous, white entity (bipedal but totally unhuman; not a gray) and a small, dark, ugly companion. I was not afraid, but rather felt great love and protection coming from the entity. (I did avoid looking at the ugly one, but I was not terrified of it). I have no recollection of anything that happened once we were flying away from the house, but one time I "asked" my "playmate" why we were going and it "said", "Somethings broken in your head. We're going to fix you." This memory has been conscious since childhood (I'm in my mid-forties) and was not evoked by hypnosis. Since then I have also experienced daylight sightings, missing time, electrical effects and apparent implants, but no typical abduction scenerios that I recall.

Chris Alexander, Founder

Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)